Thursday, May 5, 2011

Motherhood and crafting

Motherhood is a joy however things can get overwhelming fast.  These are times when you truly realize, you are only one person and despite your best efforts or wishes, you've got only 2 hands to complete all the tasks being thrown at you.
I often find many ideas running through my head that I can't implement because motherhood calls.  Now I have re-evaluated my time management skills.  I make an effort to work on at least one thing towards my Etsy shop daily, it could be photography for my products or actually crafting those products, there have been times when this had to take place in the middle of the night, after a feeding :).
Sometimes I write those ideas down as they come flooding through my head or I draw them.  It seems to be working out well so far, allowing myself to go with the flow and not get frustrated that I can't get things done.

My personality type likes to get things done with as little to no interruptions, however, I have resolved that there may be days that I don't accomplish as much as I would have liked to, but then there is also the next day to get those things done.  This short post was interrupted 3 times before completion, oh the joys and pains of motherhood :-) gone are those days when things go according to plan most of the time.
I still wouldn't trade my now 5month old bambino for anything in the world!

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